Thursday, July 26, 2018

The U.S. and UK and the social responsibility theory 
The United Kingdom is an island country located to the northwest of mainland England. The UK is comprised of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Under a parliamentary government, the United Kingdom has a prime minster and two houses: the House of commons (elected) and the House of Lords (appointed). The media within the United Kingdom is very politically biased. News stations have allegiance to their party of choosing, and when they switch parties it is a big deal. For example "the partisanship of some papers has been more fluid than others, with the Sun famously switching allegiances to Blair’s Labour party then back again to support Cameron’s Conservatives". The Sun is one of the United Kingdoms larger tabloid newspapers. The media coverage in the United kingdom has historically been thought of fiction more than facts. But, thanks to large news stations like the BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) and the PA (Press Association), the public is beginning to believe that their is more fact than fiction in todays media. 

United Kingdom television channels 
The United Kingdom, along with the United States, have a social responsibility media system. The social responsibility theory states that the media be is free from government constraints but also has a responsibility to "provide the most reliable and impartial information to the public". In other words they must not just report facts, but put those facts into context with analysis that supports said facts. In both the United Kingdom and the United States, print media continues to decline. In the U.S. alone the newspaper industries revenue has declined from $49 billion to $18 billion between 2006 and 2016. In the UK print circulation has declined 40 percent between 2010 and 2018. This decline in both country can be attributed to the rise of digital media and social networks. Digital media and social networks are becoming the populations main way of reading the news. And why not? Most people today have a newspaper, magazine, newscast in the palm of their hand every single day. Radio has remained consistent in both the U.S. and the UK. In the UK radio listener numbers have remained the same for the last 5 years. In the US there too has been no decline. The FCC loosened it's rules on the amount of stations a company can own giving companies the ability to provide more content for their listeners across multiple stations. In the UK, most citizens get their news from the radio, but in the U.S., television reigns supreme with 50 percent of American citizens stating that they receive their news from the television. Television in the UK and U.S. are not that different however. Both countries have their 5-6 main channels and news providers. Also, both countries face the increasing threat of streaming sights such as Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. 

Major U.S. television channels and their partisanship ad placements 

Their are many pros and cons of having a social responsibility media system. Of course, an obvious pro would be that the government plays little to no role in what you can and cannot put on your station. A con would be that viewers may not always be seeing facts, but instead, fiction. Whether it be in the newspaper, online, on the television, or in social media. Any company could put anything out there and have a group of followers swearing that it is true when it is in-fact false. A pro for the United States is that it is much larger than the United kingdom which gives the U.S. the ability to have more media outlets for different groups of people. In the UK the small population handcuffs media outlets to put out content that is accepted widely by the masses. Now, I am not saying that the U.S. does not do the same thing but they have the ability to be more different and try new things with such a larger population. In conclusion, the social responsibility media system has the most free reign to put out content that appeals to all viewers and citizens. 

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